Author Guidelines
The editors ask the authors when sending articles for publication to be guided by the rules below and the attached sample of the manuscript. Manuscripts that deviate from these rules are not considered by the editors.
Requirements for materials submitted for publication in the journal:
1. The editors accept for publication articles of significant scientific and practical interest on the subject of the journal in Russian.
2. Materials for publication in the journal must be submitted to the editors of the journal on paper and electronic media in MS Word format (sent to e-mail: The file name must match the title of the article.
3. The volume of the article should not, as a rule, exceed 20 printed pages, including illustrations and tables.
4. The article should have the following structure: UDC, title of the article, surnames and initials of the authors, places of their work with the address of the organization (zip code, country, city ..) (in the nominative case) and e-mail, (the author's address for correspondence is indicated) abstract, keywords. Further, the translation into English of the surnames and initials of the authors, the title of the article, annotations and keywords is indicated. After that, the main text of the article is placed (figures and tables are placed directly in the text), a bibliographic list.
5. Pages of the author's original must have continuous numbering.
6. The first page and the bibliographic list of references are drawn up strictly according to the model presented in a separate document "Example of an article".
7. The use of abbreviations is not allowed in the title of the article and abstract (without decoding).
8. The abstract should contain a brief description of the formulated problem, methods for solving it, the main results of the study, with an emphasis on scientific novelty and practical significance.
9. Key words (no more than 10) should most accurately reflect the subject and content of the article.
10. The main text should be logically structured. The main text may contain the following sections: introduction, objects of study, methods for studying the problem, results and discussion, conclusion.
11. Throughout the article, it is necessary to observe a single principle of symbols and abbreviations with their initial explanation in brackets or in context.
12. The dimension of all quantities mentioned in the article must comply with the International System of Units (SI).
13. The bibliographic list should start on a new page and contain only those publications that are referenced in the text. References in the text of the article should be numbered in the order they are mentioned in Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets, a different order of references is not allowed. Description of publications is given in the original language, except for languages with non-Latin script, for which a translation into Russian is provided. References to books translated into Russian must be accompanied by references to the original publications, indicating the imprint. All authors must be included in the description of publications. Links to unpublished results should not be used. An example of how to design links to different sources can be found in a separate document "Example of an article".
14. The text is typed with two intervals, size 14, Times New Roman font. Words are separated by a single space. The Enter key is only used to start a new paragraph. The paragraph starts with a red line (indent 1 cm). Margins of 3 cm are left on all sides of the page. To create tables, you must use the standard function of the Word program, and to set complex mathematical formulas, use the Equation Editor. Tables should have thematic headings, figures should be accompanied by figure captions. References to figures and tables in the text of the article are required. Designations of physical quantities are given in italics in Latin letters (both in formulas and in the text of the article), and units of measurement and special mathematical symbols (sin, ln) - in roman type. The decimal part of the number is separated by a dot, not a comma. Examples: L = 7.3103 m, Ea = 14 kJ/mol, T = 50 °C. In tables and graphs, the dimension is written separated by commas: ", m", and for sublogarithmic values - in square brackets without a comma: "ln t [min]". When enumerating, as well as in numerical intervals, the dimension is given only for the last number, with the exception of angular degrees. Abbreviations and formulas of chemical compounds used as adjectives are written with a hyphen: IR spectroscopy, LC state, OH group (but OH group). The text uses "quotes" for foreign words and "quotes" for Russian. The letter "ё" is replaced by "e" everywhere except for surnames. A space is placed: between the initials and the surname; number and dimension (except for percent, ppm); a number or paragraph sign and a number (No. 3), in multi-word abbreviations; in references to figures and tables (Fig. 1, Table 2); in geographic names after the dot (Moscow). A space is not put: between quotation marks or brackets and the words enclosed in them; number and letter in the notation (IVd, Fig. 1a). A dot is placed: after footnotes (including in tables), notes to the table, abbreviations (year - year, million, m.p.), except for subscripts corresponding to one word (Tpl). A period is not put: after the UDC, the title of the article and tables, the names of the authors, addresses, headings and subheadings, figure captions, dimensions (s, g - gram, min, h, deg), as well as formulas given on a separate line.
15. Drawings must be made on a computer with clearly distinguishable fragments in black and white, inscriptions and symbols that are significant. It is recommended that the size of the picture allows it to be reproduced in the story without scaling. The recommended width of the drawings is up to 12 cm. The recommended font size for the captions on the axes is 9 kg, light font typeface Times. The minimum number of verbal and numerical designations should be left in the figures, and all explanations should be included in the figure captions, while the dependencies in the figures should be indicated by numbers. Dependency markers (triangles, squares) should not be placed in figure captions. For photos, you must specify the orientation (top-bottom) and scale. The best format for presenting pictures is TIFF for raster graphics and photographs, and EPS for vector graphics. Drawings made in JPEG, GIF and MS Word vector graphics formats are also allowed. We recommend using a resolution of at least 600 dpi (dots per inch) for black and white graphics and 300 dpi for grayscale (grayscale) graphics and photographs. Scanned images with a resolution of less than 600 dpi will not be accepted. The thickness of the lines in the figures in the magazine should be at least 0.5 pt, and the size of the letters should be at least 5 pt. The image file size should not exceed 1 Mb. Figures should be placed inside the article and each figure should be additionally sent as a separate file.
16. Authors are advised to check the files included in the electronic version of the article for the presence of malicious programs (viruses). If such programs are detected by the editors, the sent files will be immediately deleted.
17. The editors use only licensed software in their work. The authors bear personal responsibility if they use software products acquired or installed illegally for the preparation of articles.
18. Abbreviations of words, names, titles, as a rule, are not allowed. Only generally accepted abbreviations for the names of measures, physical, chemical and mathematical quantities and terms, etc. are allowed.
19. The article is accompanied by a cover letter and permission for publication in the open press from the organization in which the work was performed, a license agreement signed by all co-authors in two copies and questionnaires of the authors in the forms posted on the website of the Moscow Poly.
20. Articles received by the editors are subject to mandatory review. If it is necessary to improve the article or if it is rejected, reviews are sent to the authors. Reviews of rejected papers must contain a reasoned refusal to publish if the article does not correspond to the journal's subject matter, the journal's requirements for articles, and also in cases where the results of the article have no scientific or practical value, do not have elements of scientific novelty. Reviews of articles requiring revision include comments on the article. The period for reviewing articles does not exceed three months.
21. Articles that do not meet these requirements are returned to the authors for revision. In this case, the date of receipt of the article is the day the editors receive the revised author's original.
22. The editorial staff of the journal reserves the right to make reductions and editorial changes in the author's original without distorting its meaning.
23. Articles are published free of charge. Authors are not paid royalties.